April 3, 2018

What kind of Senior Session does a bookworm and artist love?

Cait Barcus (26)

“When you read a great book – you don’t escape from life – you plunge deeper into it..”

When Cait – a 2018 Parsons High School Senior – mentioned she wanted to include her favorite books in her senior session I got really excited. I was a major bookworm when I was younger. I adore this set of images. It gives me every warm fuzzy feeling of being done with school and finding a corner and a soft blanket where I could loose myself in another world.

Cait Barcus (27)Cait Barcus (29)

Cait Barcus (32)Cait Barcus (33)

Even though you would never know it – Cait has macular degeneration – and has been loosing her sight since she was a little girl. Her strongest sight is her peripheral vision – which hasn’t stopped her at all from continuing to read, or create beautiful art work!

I saw her notebooks of beautiful art work – and I wanted to capture the quiet side of creation. It wasn’t warm the day we played with paint to create one of kind images – but you’d never know it!

Cait Barcus (36)

Cait Barcus (41)

Cait Barcus (47)Cait Barcus (44)

Cait Barcus (48)

Cait Barcus (49)Cait Barcus (50) I love artists. I love the audacity of courage it takes to bring to life beauty, and joy, and vision of the world that they see and believe exists – one rebellious act of creation at a time!

To see more of Cait’s session – the stunning dresses she brought to her session – and to hear about her future plans  – go here for part two!