Every year I love coming up with amazing shoot concepts inspired by the kids on my senior team. You’ve already met my 2019 Senior Team here: but what has blown me away with Jensen, Brooklyn, Halle, and Kynli is how much fun we have had on two VERY different concepts!! You may have seen sneak peeks of the VOGUE inspired shoot we did this spring- but this concept was all about bringing out each girls inner GI Jane – and some very good friends made it possible to use the coolest location ever; the Tri City Airport!
Scott Westoff is a friend and was an amazing host who made this location possible. Originally we decided this was a super cool location – but I learned from Scott that the number of pilots are actually declining each year – and also that women make up only 3% of all pilots world wide. I would love to see more girls follow this career path and explore the skies!!!
Originally we had plans to use this amazing little plane as part of our shoot – but the pilot had last minute changes that meant he wasn’t there when we arrived on location. However he was kind enough to fly back that evening – bringing the plane that inspired our theme – and he offered to make up for it with a fly over so the girls could have a more dramatic image.
This shot was INCREDIBLE…. I think it is fair to say all of our adrenaline was pumping as our pilot friend flew overhead…. wind swirling around our heads and the roar of the engine in our ears… this was an evening none of us will forget!! Part two of this senior portrait session next!