I am so excited to introduce you to Senior Team Member Lauryn!
Lauryn loves cooking, painting, calligraphy, and two arts I’ve never had the chance to try but always wanted to; pottery and macramé! She has a big heart and is an active volunteer at the local Food Bank, youth group, and is on the National Honors Society at Labette County High School.
( Rebecca Shepard Studios has been closed to in person studio interactions since March 18th in current covid 19 measures and in compliance to Kansas SAH orders and so that we can do our part to protect our community . All images were taken before this time.)

Baylee, Faith, and Lauryn!!!

Never has there been such a time to shine – and to make a difference in big and little ways to our own towns and communities – and I can’t wait to connect, create, and create change with these girls this year!!!
Class of 2021 – it’s YOUR turn to be seen – it’s YOUR turn to shine!
To set up your consultation – please go here!